Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Vincent Slifer PPJ week 07

This week was not a good week for me in regards to the project.  I inadvertently became a little to busy with my CoOp and was not able to fully complete and implement my tasks.  While I was originally tasked with another assignment, another member was able to better implement the feature, so there was no real loss to the project from my schedule.

Positive Content
  • Added in some sounds to Popcorn Popper and Ram the Planet
  • Began creating a variant of Item Dodge
Negative Content
  • Did not finish creating the variant of Item Dodge
  • Did not test out the volume and timing of sounds

Work and Hours
Programming (~1 hrs)
- Added sound effects to Ram the Planet + Popcorn Popper
- Edited parts of Item Dodge to create a reversed variant

Variant Creation (~1 hrs)
- Created variant for Item Dodge

Total Hours: 2 hrs

John Frankel Week 7 Journal PPJ, Blog post 7, GMAP 378

Content with hours provided

Updated sounds on transitions and some art
I removed my glorious sounds that I added.  I basically had a fun circus track that I messed with to create the fun sounds but APPARENTLY no one could tell the difference.  This is why I don't do sound stuff.  I added the boring sounds to the transitions that don't sound interesting.  I guess it fits in with the rest.  The change was simple, but I actually removed some of the sounds in order to fix this.

I also found and added the circus tent.  Needs textures though.

(30 minutes)
Made the map program that maps game names to the controls
I set up a mapping script that maps game names to the controls that were added to the script.  This script is not very good.  It works, it does what I want, but It looks bad.  This is a clear hack to make up for the missing framework changes that would take too much time for the little benefit that they would produce.  Here is the code.

public class GameToControllerMap : MonoBehaviour {

    public Sprite[] humanControls;
    public Sprite[] alienControls;
    public string[] levelNames;

    public GameObject humanDest;
    public GameObject alienDest;

// Use this for initialization
public void DisplayControls (string game)
        int index = System.Array.IndexOf(levelNames, game);
        humanDest.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = humanControls[index];
        alienDest.GetComponent<Image>().sprite = alienControls[index];

It works and I tested it to prove that.
 (4 hours)

Made variant of Crazy Ball

I basically took crazy ball and made new scripts that reversed the goal.  Instead of running from the ball, you chase it down.  It is incredibly simple and took only a short time.  After talking with Ryan about this process, we realized that this was one of the few games we could do this with.  The other game are not easily changed to become a different game.

(90 minutes)

I completed my tasks
Not extatic over my work

Total 6 hours

Joseph Santos Week 7 Journal PPJ, Blog post 7, GMAP 378

For this week, I was assigned to texture ufo and tent as well as fix them their uvs if they're not fixed before texturing. Texturing the ufo was done without a hitch but when I got to the tent, there were a lot of problems with it, namely n-gons. I spent a lot time trying to fix it such as adding more edge loops, connecting faces that weren't conneted but everything I did just added more n-gons and problems. After about 3 hours, I realize it was beyond saving to I started a new one, which took less time. Goes to show that sometimes the best solution is starting from scratch. Also, I lost a couple of days going to New York for a job interview.

finsihed ufo

wasted time on wrong solution

uv and texturing ufo: 2 hours
fixing original tent: 3 hours
creating new tent: 1 hours

total hours: 6

Tj Heiney Week 7 Journal PPJ, Blog post 7, GMAP 378

This week was focused on moving things towards the beta version. I updated the texture on the fuel hose to include the pink texture. I also implemented the fuel bar from refueled. This was the most important task as the aliens and humans need to have a visual way to determine the levels of fuel being drain. I realized today that I forgot to take out the written text fuel levels. We are moving away from this textual UI for more visual image.

I also started the game where you launch yourself. I started building off of the shooting gallery. Through tweaking this, I have it so you can launch yourself instead of the ball.

Total content hours: 4

Angela Buchanan, Week 7 PPJ, Blog Post 7, GMAP 378

Interface, Texturing, Sell

My main focus for this week was texturing the alien and making the scoring for our game more visual.

During our last meeting, the team discussed the best way to make scoring visual. We chose to go with a tug-o-war bar on the side, mainly because it is a simple familiar concept that the viewer can quickly pick up and understand. It also better reinforces the color connection of both sides. (Humans pink, Aliens green)

I was assigned with texturing the alien model a couple of a weeks ago and I completed it this week. It took longer than I had planned, for their were challenges regarding the UVs I was working with. Overall, I am happy with the end result.

Lastly, I added the final touch-ups for this weeks sell presentation. I anticipate that more alterations will need to be made, but overall I think our sell is in a good spot.

Positive Content   
- Score bar is now visual instead of just numbers
- Alien model now has texture

Negative Content
- UVs were tricky to work with

Work and hours

Alien Model Texture (4 hrs)

.Texturing the model took longer than I had anticipated. There were some difficulties regarding the UV layout of certain areas, but I managed to work around it. 

Score Bar (1 hrs)

During class it was suggested that we have a visual aid for the scoring of our game. So during our meeting we discussed the best route and decided to go with a "tug-o-war" method of visualizing the scoring. The humans  are represented with pink and aliens with green.

Whenever the humans fail, the green bar will push away at the pink and when the human win, the pink will push away at the green.

Player Selection screen Instructions Update (.5 hrs)

I made dash instructions for the player selection screen. I used this as an opportunity to make it more clear that the top screen belongs to the aliens, while the bottom belongs to the humans.

Sell Touch-Ups (1 hrs)

Xavi took last term's sell and combined it with the one our team made for GDC. I took that sell and reviewed and edited it so that the slides maintained consistency in regards to image formatting. I also corrected animations and added style to the slides that were lacking it. My contributions were entirely visual and did not impact or change the structure.

Total Hours: 6.5 hrs

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Cory Zicolella, Week 7 PPJ, Blog Post 7

This week is a bit harder to calculate, as I sort of did everything at once.

-Video Editing (4 hours)
-BMG Finding (In and out during renders of the video)
-Playtest Analysis (1 hour)

This week, as the team discovered we had a video sell draft due, I decided to tackle it.  The GDC panel we presented to about a month ago had used a testimonial video to try to pitch to the judges, so we used that as the base.  It definitely required some updates to reflect the game, and also needed better editing work done in general.

However, this process proved far more difficult than it should have.  Namely, I ran into many video issues.  The plus side to this is while waiting for the multiple renderings to finish, I had alot of combined time to search for background music files.  After awhile of rendering troubleshooting (to no avail), I managed to get together all of the music that we'd need so far.

The first of these issues was that I had some de-synced audio for some of the clips.  Very well, fixed easily enough.  Took about 15 minutes and done.  That was the easiest problem, though.  The second was that I knew in its current state, the video needed captions because we captured it in a noisy area.  So I spent at least an hour (if not more) using Adobe's captioning tool, following their official steps.  When it got to the final step for caption display, it simply wasn't working as advertised.  I asked around for some people's opinions, and they didn't know how exactly to solve it either (most people never used the actual captioning tool, but just title cards).  So that was an effort that ultimately went wasted for this draft because I couldn't find anyway to get them to appear.  The final and largest problem I ran into was that when previewing or exporting the video draft, it would constantly get stuck at 62-64% with an 'Unknown Error'.  Because it didn't know itself what the problem was, I didn't ether.  I had to sift through all my footage that would be around the 60% area, check settings, change encoders, render in different ways--when it came down to it, after too many attempts, I disabled two video layers and it exported fine.  This leads me to believe that the computer I was working on either didn't have enough RAM to render out the edits I wanted to (it was a heavily edited portion of the video), or there was some sort of RAM cap on Adobe Premiere.

That eventually got finished though, and I made efficient use of my rendering time to find music, as I said above.  This week wasn't perhaps as productive as the last, but it definitely had me ripping my hair out.

Content Positive
- I got the Video Draft Finished
-Unique BGM for all games now yay!

Content Negative
-So. Many. Premiere. Editing. Issues.

Total Time Spent - 5 Hours

Ricardo Yanofsky, Week 7 Journal PPJ, Blog post 7, GMAP 378

My last two weeks worth of work was building up to this,putting my rig to use. The main game that needs the alien model is Draw at Noon, so I made the two animations for that. I was able to start right away, the only thing that held me back was needing to fix and modify one of the guns Cory had made.

There are two outcomes for the alien, either it shoots the human first or gets shot. I wanted both animations to feel satisfying and fun for the player, regardless of the outcome.

I am satisfied with my work, and hopefully my teammates will see why I didn't want to rig only the arm. My weekend was busier than usual, so I was not able to work on any additional animations.

(8 Hours)

Positive Content: 
- Finished 2 animations

Negative Content:
- I did not have time to start one for another microgame.

Total Hours for the week: 8

David Monteleone, Week 7 Journal PPJ, Blog post 7, GMAP 378

Content with Hours (Examples included):
                My first task for the week was to capture the footage of the game for the video draft. Not an entirely big deal, but it does take time to configured Open Broadcaster correctly, capture the game, and then to run to campus to upload the video. However when I got to campus, due to the virus that knocked out AWExpress, I didn’t have the authentication to upload. I eventually got the files to Cory through other means!
 (.75 hrs)

My next task was to add the Quiz Game art that Jinghan made. That was a rather simple task, and the game looks great now!

(.25 hrs)
                My efforts then moved onto fixing numerous bugs with the current build. The first bug I tackled was the Space Aim texture bug. Somehow the textures linked to the feet and the Lego models got lost in the game. This took a fair amount of hunting around the Unity project to eventually find. The textures are back where they should be and are no longer a bright pink!
(1.25 hrs)

                Last, the bulk of my work for the week was based around configuring the original 5 mini games and my current 3 micro games to work with Ryan’s new control scheme. This involved me going into each game, finding the code that controlled the controls, and then rewriting the code such that they talk to the new input scheme. Ryan’s new control method is definitely much better to use. Taking this time for each game has really made the controls much more reliable. This also links us to the initial player select screen that Xavi made last week. ie: player 1 in each game really and always is player 1 now! The games that took the longest to fix/configure were Runnerz and Mech Warfare. The reason for this is that they use the standard asset controllers. Ryan helped me configured a controller prefab to work for Runnerz. I then made my own FPScontroller prefab for the Mech game and added it to the array of tools we now have. This means we can reuse those prefabs for other FPS games and change the controls around easily. As you can see below, we simply change the text (of Horizontal Input, Vertical Input, …etc) in the inspector to whatever we want to control the movement, jumping, or looking. These control changes took plenty of time, but I agree with the group that they were worth the effort!

(3.75 hrs)

Content Positive (Duplicate hours from above):
-          I captured footage for the new trailer (.75 hr)
-          I added art to Quiz Game (.25 hr)
-          I fixed the material linkage bug in Space Aim for the feet and the Legos (1.25 hrs)
-          I configured the original 5 and my new 3 games to use the newer more reliable controls setup (3.75 hrs)

Content Negative
-          Old code is still haunting us, but it’s slowly being removed and fixed

Total Hours for the week: 6 hrs

Ryan Crim, Week 7 Journal PPJ, Blog post 7, GMAP 378

Content with Hours (Examples included):

My main task for this week was to update the scoring in the game to make it more visual to players without requiring a lot of time to look at it. To do this, as a team we decided to split up the score in two different scores (one score for the humans and another score for the aliens), so that we could implement a tug-of-war style score bar. The way that it works is that depending on the difference in scores between the two teams, the bar fills with more of the winning team’s color as shown in Figure 1. In addition to implementing the score bar prefab to add to each game, I also updated the Score and ScoreChange scripts to properly work with the new scoring system as well as went through the scripts for each individual game and reworked them to handle the new system and to add points for humans/aliens accordingly. After this extensive reworking of the games, I went through and tested each one to make sure that all of the updates work as expected. Furthermore, I updated the High Score scene to properly display each team’s final score and to show the top three high scores for both the aliens and the humans as shown in Figure 2. I also noticed that the scores were not being saved anywhere as well, so I updated the high score script to load from and save to XML files for each team’s high scores. (5.50 hrs)

Figure 1. In-game score bar showing change after a win for the humans
Figure 2. High score screen showing scores for both teams

After working on the scoring, I had a bit of time to flesh out a quick idea that came up to implement a DDR-style micro-game. The main gist of the game is that the screen is split into two with the aliens on the left and the humans on the right as shown in Figure 3. “Notes” are spawned in the center of the screen and move toward each team’s input area. If the player inputs the correct direction (see screenshot for controls) when the note is over top of the corresponding input area, the team is awarded +2 points and the note sparks a bit (seen by the green note on the alien’s side). If the wrong input is entered, the input is entered too early/late or the note reaches the edge of the screen, the note fades away and no points are awarded (seen by the rightmost red note on the human’s side). The notes continue to spawn until there is no time left. In terms of the work required for this, it involved writing each of the scripts, building up the scene with all of the necessary art assets and retrieving the current background music ( In order to make the work a bit easier, I salvaged bits and pieces of the code from each of my other games, those being Abducktion, Draw at Noon and G-Switch. Some of the repurposed code included the analog input logic from Abducktion and the object rotation from Draw at Noon/G-Switch. (5.00 hrs)
Figure 3. Screenshot from Dance Off micro-game

Lastly, I made a couple of modifications to Draw at Noon. The first of which was adding in the textured alien model that was being worked on the past few weeks. The issue at this point, though, is that the current model does not have any rigging or animation as I believe it is still be worked on. Therefore, as you can see in Figure 4, the t-posed alien looks out of place, however, it does look better than the existing 2D placeholder. In addition, I made a couple of slight changes to how the bullet works, including updating its speed, starting it exactly in the barrel and changing the color of depending on who shot it (pink for humans, green for aliens). (0.50 hr)
Figure 4. Screenshot of Draw at Noon with textured alien model

Content Positive:
- Reworked the scoring to be split between the two teams to create more competition
- Added visual score bar prefab to each game to make it easier to tell who is winning
- Updated High Scores to show saved scores for both teams
- Added Dance Off micro-game
- Added textured alien model to Draw at Noon
- Modified bullet behavior to improve it slightly

Content Negative:
- Still waiting to see if the rigged/animated alien model happens

Total Hours for the week: 11.00 hrs

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Vincent Slifer PPJ week 06

This week was fairly unproductive for me, in my eyes.  My focus was adding instructions for the games Popcorn Popper, Item Dodge, and Ram the Planet.  Along with the simple task, I also created a method to visually show how much time the players have to complete each game.  The only difficulties I had was implementing the timer so it could universally be used in all of the games.

Positive Content
  • Added Human and Alien Controls to the UI for Item Dodge, Popcorn Popper, & Ram the Planet
  • Created method to visually show the time in the games
Negative Content
  • Popcorn Popper & Item Dodge need more finalized art and textures

Work and Hours
Research (~2 hrs)
- Methods to move UI elements a set distance
- Method to easily set up the visual timer

UI + Aesthetics (~2 hrs)
- Added instructions for Popcorn Popper, Item Dodge, + Ram the Planet
- Added art to liven up games

Total Hours: 4 hrs

Joseph Santos week 6 PPJ

For this week, I textured several objects in the game as well create one object for popcorn popper. Part of texturing was doing the uvs of existing games. For example, how to fix model and uv for water gun. There was also the problem of the maya project I had been using to create the fbx was corrupted since it was on awexpress when ransomware attack. However, I was able to meet my objectives for week.

finish everything set out to do in status report

files corruption and fixing uvs

popcorn popper lid and uv:
1 hour
fix water gun uv and texture:
3 hours
fix hose fbx and texture:
3 hours
Total hours:

Cory Zicolella, Week 6 PPJ, Blog Post 6

Gathering Sound Effects/Licensing Info - 6.5 hrs
Editing Sound Effects/Normalizing extensions - 1.45 hrs

This week was pretty time consuming and busy, but relatively straight forward.  As far as content went, I used soundbytes to find all the audio that we currently need for our games, with the exception of background music.  This took a long time because I was screening hundreds of sounds, and wound up with around 60 effects in the end for 15 games.

After having a discussion with another professor, I decided to make all the audio files in .ogg format because it is slightly compressed (which is good when we need so many sounds) and also no royalties are owed to any company if this format it used.  For background music, I plan to use .wav format.

I made sure to include a readme .txt file along with all the sound effects that document all of the licensing information, so we can credit people appropriately and document it all in the GDD.

Again, this week was pretty straightforward so there isn't much else to say.

Content Positive:
- All of the Sound Effects for the currently created games should now exist on Perforce and are edited, ready to be added to Alien Arcade
- I documented each sound's individual license info for ease

Content Negative:
- Took a looooooong time

Total Time Spent: 8.15 Hours

Angela Buchanan, Week 6 PPJ, Blog Post 6, GMAP 378

Interface, 2D art
After feedback from last class, I shifted my primary focus to the UFO interface. We needed a better way to get the alien instructions across more clearly and quickly. 

Since the humans have their screens split at the bottom, I decided to give the aliens their own designated screen centered at the top. I have minor concerns regarding the screen space taken up by the aliens screens, so it may have to be slimmed down. This will be a decision made during our next group meeting.  

Additionally, I spent some time getting all the instructions up to date as well as the slot machine icons.
Aside from 1 or 2 games, everything is up to date now.

Overall the week was productive, but not as productive as I had intended. A different class demanded more attention than this one and that assignment took more time than I had anticipated.

Positive Content   
- Aliens now have their own screen and set of instructions
- Game instructions are currently up to date
- All dash instructions are now designed to be 100% aligned.

Negative Content
- Didn't get everything planned done.
- Alien dash may take up too much screen space.

Work and hours

Alien Dash Update (2 hrs)

The top center of the screen seemed like a good place to store alien instructions, since the humans don't have to pay much attention to the top of their screen.

Since the alien instructions will always be in the same place, they will now quickly know what to do and how to do it. 

I also kept the design simple so that the humans would not be overly distracted.

Alien Instructions (4 hrs)

I had to set up the basic framework for the alien instructions (buttons/icons)
Now that one is in place, it should be very easy to update the instructions as needed.

Like the human instructions, they are designed to align perfectly when placed at the same spot on the screen.

Alien Model Texture (.5 hrs)

Originally, I was going to focus more on this. But I decided other tasks had a higher priority. 
However, I still spent some time making sure the UVs are going to work the way I want them to so that I can address any potential problems during our next group meeting.

Icon + Human Instructions Update (3 hrs)

I decided that aligning the human instructions was high priority task, so I completed that as soon as possible. 

Additionally, I added instructions for the games that needed them.

I also made sure that the slot machine had all the icons for all current games.

Total Hours: 9.5 hrs 

Jinghan Liu - GMAP378 - Week 06 PPJ

This week I worked on QWOP racetrack texture, stadium skybox and space carnival skybox.
I worked on the racetrack first. It had gray tone texture, looks more like for car racetrack at beginning, but I changed to the green tone when I working on the stadium skybox, so it looks more like for dash racetrack.

I'm not a big fun of sport, didn't know what's the details of the stadium inside looks like, so I did some researches before I start the work. I choose a succor stadium as reference. I had skybox worked on another skybox for CrazyBall before, so I have the base of skybox and I know how to work on that. After I finished the work and review my task, I found there is no audience in the stadium. however, I saved the stadium seats line as different layers so I think it doesn't takes me long time to add audience.

I have the task of the space carnival skybox, but I didn't finish it yet. The weekend I was not in Philly and didn't had time work on the tasks, so the most of my works were  done in sunday night after I came back to the Philly. After I finished the other 2 works I tried to work on the space carnival skybox, but it was really late so I just work a little on the work. Monday I spend most of my time on other classes assignments.


  • Meeting: 1.5 hr
  • QWOP racetrack: 1 hr
  • QWOP stadium skybox: 3 hr
  • Space carnival skybox: 0.5 hr
Total: 6 hrs


I really enjoyed my weekend


I didn't have enough time to finish my tasks this weekend
I always had to leave in the middle of the meeting because I have class

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Ricardo Yanofsky, Week 6 Journal PPJ, Blog post 6, GMAP 378

This week I continued to work on the alien model, which is now ready to be animated. The first thing I did was to round out the body to make it a cylinder instead of a cube, which required a small touch up on the UV's as well.
(1.5 hours)

Afterwards I rigged the alien, which took the most amount of time. I am thankful for the interactive bind skin tool which saved me a lot of time weight painting, especially the arm. Luckily the design of the character made that possible. I do not think it is necessary to add proper controllers, but there are some additional things such as the locators to snap the gun to the hand.
(7 Hours) 

I also roughed out the animation for the draw, mainly to test the rig.
(1 hours)

Positive Content: 
- Rig is functional

Negative Content:
- Rig has some minor issues
- No controllers in the rig

Total Hours for the week: 9.5

Ryan Crim, Week 6 Journal PPJ, Blog post 6, GMAP 378

Content with Hours (Examples included):

This week I spent most of my time creating and updating universal aspects of the game, while also making some updates to my own micro/mini-games.

To start the week, I worked on creating an easy way to show score additions/subtractions to the players. Therefore, I created a ScoreChange prefab that consists of a UI text component with a script that animates and deletes it when done, as well as plays an audio clip depending on whether points were added or subtracted. I also updated the existing Score script to contain the overloaded AddScore() methods below that update the score and loads the ScoreChange prefab into the scene at the provided position (or by default, which is the middle of the screen). Lastly, I updated each of the scripts for Abducktion, Draw at Noon and G-Switch to call these methods to put the ScoreChange prefab to work, an example of which you can see in Figure 1. (1.25 hrs)

// Updates the total score and displays the change to the screen

public static void AddScore(int amount)




// Updates the total score and displays the change to the screen at provided position

public static void AddScore(int amount, Vector2 position)


// Update score

totalScore += amount;

// Create and set up the score change text for this amount

GameObject sc = (GameObject)Instantiate(Resources.Load("Universal/ScoreChange"), position, Quaternion.identity); = "ScoreChange";

sc.transform.SetParent(GameObject.Find("Canvas").transform, false);



Figure 1. Fading Score Change text displaying after humans win Abducktion

Next, I continued trying to bring a bit more organization to the project by creating a Dashboard UI prefab with a child to hold the humans’ controls image. Unlike before where each game needed to update the dashboard if there was a modification made to it, now the modification can be made in one place and automatically updates in each game. This already proved helpful when Angela pushed the next dashboard with the alien instruction panel (shown in Figure 1 above) as I was able to update the prefab without having to change it in each game. Furthermore, I did go through each game and added the provided human and alien control images that Angela has created so far for the new dashboard. In my opinion, the alien instruction panel is too large and intrusive at this time, but I believe this is something that we will discuss in the upcoming week.  (1.00 hr) 

In terms of changes for my individual games, I started with some updates and additions to Abducktion. The first change I made was to bring more visibility to the duck when X-Ray mode is activated as it had been noted in playtesting that the duck was extremely tough to see in contrast to the tractor beam light and the sand textured ground. Therefore, I created a simple X-Ray sprite of the duck, as shown in Figure 2, that contrasts much more than the normal duck sprite. In addition, I added the new abducting spaceman visual timer prefab to Abducktion (as shown above in Figure 1 on the right-hand side) and made some modifications to the Abducktion scripts in order to get them to properly behave with it. Lastly, I perused the website that this team has used for music loops and added in the free shorter edit of this loop ( in order to provide more atmosphere to the game. (1.25 hrs)

Figure 2. Sprite of duck for X-Ray mode in Abducktion

Moving onto Draw at Noon, the first thing I did was make small modifications to the arrow signs that the aliens need to press by changing the pressed color from pink to green, shown in Figure 3, to align more with theme of the game with humans represented by pink and aliens represented by green. Furthermore, in the screenshot, you can see that I also added the abducting spaceman visual timer prefab to the game and made modifications to the Draw at Noon scripts to behave with it. Lastly, similar to Abducktion, I added a free short edit music loop ( to the game. (0.75 hr)

Figure 3. Updated Draw at Noon scene

For my last game so far, G-Switch, I started by creating some art to help expand on the atmosphere of the game. This included creating a very simple portal model complete with a spinning portal as well as simple art for the spinner to make it look a bit cleaner as seen in Figure 4. The portal required a simple script to rotate the portal, however, the spinner logic needed to be slightly modified to handle the sixteen specific angles that the zone can be in as opposed to the old logic that allowed the zone to spawn on any degree. Similarly to my other two games, I also added the abducting spaceman visual timer, updated the G-Switch scripts to behave with it, and added a free short edit music loop ( to it. (2.00 hrs)

Figure 4. Updated G-Switch scene

Content Positive:

- Created ScoreChange and Dashboard with alien instruction panel prefabs
- Updated art in Abducktion, Draw at Noon and G-Switch
- Added visual timer prefab to each of my games
- Added background music to each of my games

Content Negative:
- Alien instruction panel may be too large

Total Hours for the week: 6.25 hrs