Meet the Team


Xavier Smith :Project Lead, Coder

Resident "Kinda cool I guess" guy, Xavi grew up playing a lot more video games than he probably should have as a child. He's worked as a programmer before on a few games before such as Skyless Games' 'Life Leap' among others. While programming and game design are his strong suits he also has experience in music, art, and writing. Xavi, along with David organizes group meetings, communications, and oversees the programming and mechanics within the game. 

David Monteleone: Coder, Documentation

An avid gamer and a lover of Computer Science, David is able to covey his ideas for game mechanics into pieces of code that work fluently with precise artwork. On top of this, he has lead several previously successful game and programming projects. He has also been a lead team documenter and claims to have excellent technical writing skills for the task. 

Vincent Slifer: Coder

An addicted gamer, Vincent strives to learn anything that interests him.  As an amateur programmer, he has created a multitude of basic games and projects in order to refine his growing base of knowledge.  While he is not the greatest of Coders, Vincent attempts to create simple, but dynamic, code for any project he tackles.

Angela Buchanan: Art Director, Concept Artist, 2D & 3D Artist

An experimental gamer and passionate artist. Angela takes pride in her ability to visualize, design, and create a wide variety of things. She specializes in 2D design, but is capable of working beyond her comfort zone. Game design has grown to become her passion and she enjoys directing the aesthetic direction of projects. In her free time she contemplates how to successfully replace sleep with coffee.

Cory Zicolella: 2D and 3D Artist

Well versed in gaming, Cory wants to pursue anything to do with the craft.  He has dabbled in coding, models and animates on a normalized basis, and has hobbies including audio/video editing.  He takes with him all of his experience through the games he has played (as many here do as well), and offers interesting concepts and ideas to the team.  He has been part of a few design teams in the past and is eager to see this project come off the ground.

John Frankel: Programmer

In charge with updating, improving, and maintaining the Architecture and backbone of the game.  He updates the code behind the game without breaking the games themselves (sometimes) and makes the game overall better.  Part 1 of 6 in the DLC bonus pack team VIIcious won during the first semester. 

Ryan Crim: Programmer

Responsible for implementing mini/micro-games for Alien Arcade, Ryan takes game concepts and brings them to life through code. In addition, he enjoys working on other aspects of game design, including art and sound, and will help anywhere it is needed.

Joseph Santos: 2D and 3D Artist

After realizing he could find a better life outside of engineering, Joe Santos switch to his true passion of gaming and animation. When he is not working on projects, he uses use down time to learn new skills or watch animated movies and play video games trying to learn what makes them work and try to play that knowledge to his work. Always constantly looking for work, Joe hopes to create art for everyone to enjoy. 

Tj Heiney: Programmer/Project Support

Tj's primary focus is the business behind the games. He has helped support the project tools used thus far. To help further develop the game he has also been tasked with creating new microgames such as Refueled and Shooting Gallery.


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