Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Joseph Santos Week 3 PPJ

Finish massager model (3 hours)
Model balloon (1 hour)
unfinished texture ( 2 hours)
This week, I had to finish texturing several models for the game. Namely, the footmassager for space aim, the tubeman for stella say and model and texture the balloons. Last week, I had fully finished learning how to write shaders and wished to apply that knowledge to the models. Unfortunely, I ran into the problem of my computer running into issues with most of the software on my computer in that they wouldn't run. I spent most of the weekend trying to fix it so I wouldn't have to refresh my computer, which would have wiped all the unity software and perforce I need to work. Since the blizzard closed everything, I had to do it by myself. What I was able to accomplish in the time I had left before Tuesday night was some model tweaks  and texture to the foot massager and finish modeling the balloons but didn't get to finish creating textures for balloon or tube man.

I also tried to get as many possible play tester as possible. My plan was to ask my previous game professor from community college to get his classes play test the games and that would be always a reliable source for weekly play test. However, the day he was supposed to show the class the game, schools were closed on monday so I didn't get those playtesters.

Got the textures working, finsihed models

spent more time on fixing computer:
total hours: 6 hours

Vincent Slifer PPJ week 03

This was a fairly productive week for me.  I finished up some of the finer details for Ram the Planet and all it needs now is to be given actual art and fine tune it to play well.  I also started the greybox for the new game Popcorn Popper.  I had some issues though, as I had lost some sight on what the final product should be.

Positive Content
  • Finished the greybox for the micro game "Ram the Planet"
    • Created a method to simulate motion for players
  • Started to build the micro game "Popcorn Popper"
    • Created method for all players to mash buttons
Negative Content
  • Had to handle signing leases
  • Was not able to fully flesh out the entirety of Popcorn Popper

Work and Hours
Research (~1 hrs)
- Methods to smoothly rotate objects and reset their location based on speed
- Methods to handle button mashing

Programming (~3 hrs)
- Finished greybox for "Ram the Planet"
- Created initial greybox for "Popcorn Popper"

Total Hours: 4 hrs

Tj Heiney, Week 3 PPJ, Blog Post 3, GMAP 378

Game Development and Gant Draft

Game Development (2 hrs) 
I was working on adding the score and timer to the program which I had left from my Greybox for Refueled. I also made it so that humans can now steal fuel from the Aliens via a simple script. I had trouble finding the right way to do the timer and the score. The game ends immediately and I wasn't exactly sure how to change the timer to end appropriately. I also added the game to the game selector for testing purposes next week.

Gant Draft (4 hrs)
I created the Gantt Draft based on existing tasks in Trello. John and I started by trying to export and import in GanttProject to make life easier. This was incredibly difficult because Trello won't export as a CSV in the free version. The free version gave us a JSON which I converted to a CSV using a converter which caused some information to be lost in translation. We moved on to doing it by hand to save time instead of attempting to get a failing import in. By hand worked quite well until Gantt Project class. I had saved semi-frequently but unbeknownst to me, I was saving in a file that I did not have write access to. I then ran home and re-did the entire Gant draft by hand.

Positive Content: Once I figure out the issue with the timer then Refueled is done in time for the next build. The Gant chart is done.

Negative Content: The weather caused a lot of problems and I had a bad allergic reaction so I couldn't really work when this was occurring. I also hit confusion with the Timer script. GanttProject was not the best and made working with it a challenge.

Total Hours: 6

Cory Zicolella, Week 3 PPJ, Blog Post 3

Revising Survey based on feedback - 1 hrs
Carnival Tent - 2 hrs
Reusable Targets - 1 hrs

This week, the art team made sure to focus on the games that were being currently developed rather than just have random resources be created for games that are not yet completed.  As this was the case, I ceased production on the gun for Draw at Noon, to work on things that can be universally used for games.

Most of my time this week went into designing the Carnival Tent to be used firstly with the Water Gun Game; the intention is that it can be used for more than one game though.  It took me quite awhile to devise a nice way to make a tent, and I ran into more than just a few snags-- I would often have to deal with n-gons and many of the edges of the model end in tris just because that is how the vertices worked out.  I have no idea if this is necessarily Unity friendly as a model just yet, but this is only v1 of the tent and I am fully prepared to go back in and flesh the design out more.  I know there are more than a few areas with very little subdivs, and the flow of the mesh isn't exactly spectacular.  With that being said, I think I achieved my goal of making something that looks like a carnival tent--and he problems that I'm mentioning here most likely won't be seen in game, so it isn't even necessarily an issue.
(The texture is just placeholder)

My other objective, rolled over from last week, was to make some target ideas that could be used in multiple other games.  These weren't too hard to model and didn't take much time because of it,  I didn't consult anyone with ideas of what they should be, so I have  standard target and 2 very unique ones (such as a boat target).  If these end up not being used, then not much time was wasted so it's no problem.

The final task for the week was to revise the survey based on the feedback I was given. I did that, as well as fix a few bugs in the survey itself--for some reason some questions had contradicting double validation on them, which made completing it impossible.  Once I found the problem and got it fixed though, the survey worked just fine.

Content Positive
- I completed a Carnival Tent that can be used as the environment for multiple games if needed (2 hrs)
- I revised the survey based off of some very helpful feedback (1 hrs)
- Targets were created that can be used for any game that needs them (1 hrs)

Content Negative
- Not that it is shown here, but the blizzard we got hit with really impeded my workflow, and made getting playtests pretty difficult this week.  Hopefully next week I'll be back on track for my usual productiveness, I aim to spend at least 6-8 hours.

Total Time Spent: 4 hours

John Frankel, Week 3 PPJ, Blog Post 3, GMAP 378

Working on Gantt chart with TJ (2 hours)

Me and Tj spent a decent amount of time figuring out the GanttProject program.  We ended up finding how to categorized and group things together and got some decent progress.  Then it crashed and we realized it was trying to save somewhere it did not have read/write access and we lost all of our work.  Tj knew how to do it, but it was a pain in the butt.  I would not recommend this poor program, 0/10.

Slot machine iteration with level select (4 hours)

I was able to get some of the new art in the game.  It does not fit the way I made the slot machine because the symbols go beneath the slot machine, I will need a slot machine with a bigger bottom if we want this too look good.  Besides that I am still missing the symbols for each game, I think they should be done soon, but they are not in my prefab yet.  I updated the scripts to use the slot machine to change the levels instead of clicking the buttons to do it.  I want to show my progress to the group before I put it in the build but we should be going in the correct direction.  Finally, I looked at what I will have to do to change the transitions.  It's not going to be easy, and the speed up mechanic is not good, but It should be possible to fix.  Here is a picture of what the slot machine looks like.

I got decent work done on the slot machine

The next step is not going to be trivial

I lost a lot of time due to weather and sickness, so next week should be more productive.

Total hours (6hrs)

Angela Buchanan, Week 3 PPJ, Blog Post 3, GMAP 378

Interface, 3D art, 2D art, 2D animations
I was able to mostly complete the slot machine this week, however, I didn't realize unity didn't have an easy way to implement masking. Therefore, some minor adjustments will need to be made to the base so that icon can fully scroll downward before disappearing. 

Unfortunately I had the animation frames done before knowing this, so I will have to go back and modify the slot and update the frames.

When creating the sprite sheets for the slot machine, I was faced with minor set backs when trying to get the sheets to work properly in unity. The animations kept coming out shaky and not smooth.
Eventually I resolved the problem when I realized my dimensions were not in powers of two.
Fixing the dimensions seemed to fix the problem.

I did my best to update as many of the dash instructions as I could, but eventually I ran out of time and had to focus on other assignments for other classes.

Positive Content   
- Managed to get the slot machine sprite sheet working
- Fixes needed for the slot machine will be easy to implement

Negative Content
- Slot machine will require some minor edits for it to be usable
- Struggles with animations held me back a bit

Work and hours

Slot Machine and Animations (4 hr)

- Right now the bottom is too thin for icon to pass by without disappearing awkwardly, so I'll have to adjust the base. Other than that, the slot machine is complete.
- The screen above the slots are intentionally left blank to allow different messages to be displayed.

Cardboard Cutouts (1.5 hr)

- Just a simple collection of cardboard cutouts for use in the water-gun game.
- The UFO is the goal for both alien and humans while the spaceman and alien are the rising characters

Interface Update (.5 hr

- The modifications are simple, so they do not take very long. I toyed around with slanting and distorting the text, but all versions seemed off in comparison to the original. 
- Because of that, nothing much has changed other than size and minor reposistioning

Total Hours: 6 hrs

Jinghan Liu - week 03 PPJ - Blog Post 3 - GMAP 378

This week was terrible week for me. My original plan was do my tasks during the storm in home, but the storm cut off my apartment wifi. It happens until the storm stops and even after the snow stops the wifi is still really slow. It makes I have some trouble and delay with start my works.

However, this week I worked on the 2D duck vector for Abducktion and 2D running alien animation and finish goal for the QWOP.
The 2D duck task was easy, but only the duck was looks really simple so I added alien antenna on the duck.
I also work on the running alien animation with Photoshop. I draw the alien with right foot on the ground first and then draw the left foot on the ground, saw the effect of the 2 frames loop animation and added some extra frames to smooth it. 
The last thing I did is 2D finish goal for QWOP, but I didn’t finish it, because I lost my data by accident... While work on the task, I stand up for get some tea, but my foot got tangled in laptop charge code, and my laptop was fell down on the ground. It was emergency stopped, and I didn’t save the file before that was happen… I have to rework on the task in next week, but because of I did it once, I know how to do it, so I believe that it will be pretty easy to do.


  • 2D duck vectors : 1.5 hr
  • 2D running alien animation: 3 hr
  • Finish goal (QWOP): 1 hr
  • Total: 5.5 hrs


  • Both sprite sheet and gif animation of the running alien is done
  • I don't mean to brag about myself , but


  • The storm was cut off my apartment wifi
  • I lost my work file data...

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Ricardo Yanofsky, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 3, GMAP 378

This was pretty much a lost week for me, since I got surgery on Wednesday and took the week to recover. I feel better now and I think I can get some solid work in this week. Hopefully soon I'll be able to work twice as hard to make up for this week.

Ryan Crim, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 3, GMAP 378

Content with Hours (Examples included):

To start this week, I made a few updates and fixes to Abducktion based on feedback from showing it in class. The first change I made was to slow down the swap speed of the cups a little bit since it was difficult to keep up with what was going on at the original speed I had it at. Furthermore, I added logic to prevent swapping the cups right before the game ends to avoid the unfair situation where the humans would not be able to react. Lastly, I fixed a bug with the X-Ray logic that caused it to not turn it off after time expired. Also, I planned on adding any art created for Abducktion, however, by the time the art was finished, I did not have enough time to add it. (1.00 hr)

Besides Abducktion, I spent the rest of my time this week working on creating a greybox for a new micro-game called Draw at Noon. The main gist of this game is to replicate an Old West gunfight with the focus being on reactions. As shown in Figure 1, the storyboards show that after a ‘Draw!’ prompt, the alien needs to input a random sequence of arrows before the first human raises the gun with one button and the second human shoots the gun with another button.

Figure 1. Mock-up storyboards for Draw at Noon

For the Draw at Noon functional greybox, I set up the scene with a temporary alien and gun, added the appropriate UI and wrote scripts to handle the general game logic, user input and the mechanics of the motions. Below are the scripts I wrote and what their purposes are. (5.50 hrs)

  • DAN_Master
    • Handles UI for timer and score
    • Keeps track of whether the game has started/ended
    • Keeps track of who won or if the result was a draw
    • Loads transition when game has completely ended
  • DAN_Alien
    • Sets up the signs with random arrows to be inputted
    • Receives keyboard input and updates signs as they are pressed
    • Calls motions script to move alien model as necessary
    • Shoots bullet at human when all signs are completed
  • DAN_Human
    • Receives input from controllers to raise and then shoot gun
    • Calls motions script to move human model as necessary
    • Shoots bullet at alien when both inputs are completed
  • DAN_Motions
    • Tilts model to side when raising gun
    • Tilts and recoils model backwards when gun is shot
    • Tilts model slowly backwards when shot
  • DAN_Bullet
    • Moves bullet object toward the other player
    • Determines who win based on which player it collides with

Currently, the flow of the game starts with the ‘DRAW!’ screen showing and the signs displaying random arrows for the aliens to input as shown in Figure 2. When the ‘DRAW!’ screen disappears, the aliens can then press the corresponding arrows from left to right. After two signs are lit up, the alien raises its gun (Figure 3) and when all five of the signs are lit up, the alien shoots a bullet at the human (Figure 4). Meanwhile, the first human player needs to press the Left Bumper on their controller to raise the human’s gun  (Figure 3) before the second human player can press the Right Bumper on their controller to shoot a bullet at the alien. When a bullet is shot, it flies at the other player and causes them to fall back after it collides. Points are added to the score if the alien is shot and points are removed from the score if the human is shot. In addition, if neither player finishes their task before time runs out, the game ends in a tie and no points are awarded as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 2. Start of Draw at Noon micro-game
Figure 3. Both players with gun raised
Figure 4. Alien’s bullet coming toward human (score changes when bullet collides)
Figure 5. Screen displayed when the game ends in a tie

Content Positive:
- Made a couple of modifications to Abducktion
- Created functional greybox for Draw at Noon
- Got a playtester

Content Negative:
- Received the Abducktion art too late to add it into the game

Total Hours for the week: 6.50 hrs

Xavier Smith, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post w, GMAP 378

Idea creation, Team Setup, Slack, Mini-Game Creation, PPJ

Content with Hours (Examples included):
            Not everyone could make the entire group meeting this week, but we got everything we needed to done! I also decided to let the artists polish the games this week using the greyboxes created by the programmers last week just to make sure they have a fundamental understanding of unity just in case it's necessary. 3 new games should be coming soon!
(1.5 hrs)

             Made the greybox for the QWOP game! As I let my team know, I wasn't able to do much this week due to a game jam I was attending for one of my other projects, so this one still isn't 100%, but the basic functionality is there
(1 hr)


Content Positive (Duplicate hours from above):
           -Divvied up tasks and everyone seems fine with their workload(1 .5 hrs)

-             -Got the basic greybox out for a game in record time! (1 hrs)

Content Negative
-          -Snowstorm ):
-       -Not everyone could make the full meeting

Total Hours for the week: 2.5 hrs

David Monteleone, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 3, GMAP 378

Content with Hours (Examples included):
This week I was tasked with putting together the GDD_01 for this week. In order to start doing this, I had to reach out to the other members of the team and figured out the specifics of each micro game that they are working on. This way we’ll have a central document to go to for group members to understand each mini game. I also had to finalize how the slot machine would work by talking to John about his idea. This was difficult since the slot machine hasn’t been implemented into the entire game.
(1 hr)
              For the document itself, there was plenty of material that had to be updated, added, or removed. For the first part, I had to redefine the flow and structure of Alien Arcade to match the slot machine flow we are going for. This is the first time we’ve actually written down how this will be working, so that will help everyone understand it now. Next, I had to reword all of the previous textual pieces in the GDD that referred to our games as mini games. Only the boss games function as mini games. The old games from last quarter are being rolled into being boss games. I made a section just for them. After this, I made a micro game section, similar to the mini game section, and filled it in with our current selection of micro games. This will be updated as new micro games are made. I also went through and got screenshots of all the new micro games so that the group can visually see them without having to load up Unity. Apart from this, I was away from home this weekend and due to the snow storm was unable to access a Unity computer to work on the game that much. My task for the game itself was to “Possibly add art to the water gun game.” Thus, this shouldn’t be a huge setback for the group.
(4 hrs)

              Last, I added in some of the art that Angela had made for the Water Gun game. The targets and the final position art have been put in this game. Below is the art that I added to the game.

(.5 hr)
Content Positive (Duplicate hours from above):
-          Concepts and idea for micro games and the slot machine have been finalized. (1 hr)
-          The GDD was updated, added to, and had old content removed from in order to reflect the team’s new direction. (4 hrs)
-          Some art added to Water Gun game. (.5 hr)
Content Negative
-          Snow kept my production on the actual game to a minimum.
Total Hours for the week: 5.5 hrs