Tuesday, January 26, 2016

David Monteleone, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 3, GMAP 378

Content with Hours (Examples included):
This week I was tasked with putting together the GDD_01 for this week. In order to start doing this, I had to reach out to the other members of the team and figured out the specifics of each micro game that they are working on. This way we’ll have a central document to go to for group members to understand each mini game. I also had to finalize how the slot machine would work by talking to John about his idea. This was difficult since the slot machine hasn’t been implemented into the entire game.
(1 hr)
              For the document itself, there was plenty of material that had to be updated, added, or removed. For the first part, I had to redefine the flow and structure of Alien Arcade to match the slot machine flow we are going for. This is the first time we’ve actually written down how this will be working, so that will help everyone understand it now. Next, I had to reword all of the previous textual pieces in the GDD that referred to our games as mini games. Only the boss games function as mini games. The old games from last quarter are being rolled into being boss games. I made a section just for them. After this, I made a micro game section, similar to the mini game section, and filled it in with our current selection of micro games. This will be updated as new micro games are made. I also went through and got screenshots of all the new micro games so that the group can visually see them without having to load up Unity. Apart from this, I was away from home this weekend and due to the snow storm was unable to access a Unity computer to work on the game that much. My task for the game itself was to “Possibly add art to the water gun game.” Thus, this shouldn’t be a huge setback for the group.
(4 hrs)

              Last, I added in some of the art that Angela had made for the Water Gun game. The targets and the final position art have been put in this game. Below is the art that I added to the game.

(.5 hr)
Content Positive (Duplicate hours from above):
-          Concepts and idea for micro games and the slot machine have been finalized. (1 hr)
-          The GDD was updated, added to, and had old content removed from in order to reflect the team’s new direction. (4 hrs)
-          Some art added to Water Gun game. (.5 hr)
Content Negative
-          Snow kept my production on the actual game to a minimum.
Total Hours for the week: 5.5 hrs

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