Content with Hours (Examples included):
To start this week, I made a few updates and fixes to
Abducktion based on feedback from showing it in class. The first change I made
was to slow down the swap speed of the cups a little bit since it was difficult
to keep up with what was going on at the original speed I had it at. Furthermore,
I added logic to prevent swapping the cups right before the game ends to avoid
the unfair situation where the humans would not be able to react. Lastly, I
fixed a bug with the X-Ray logic that caused it to not turn it off after time expired.
Also, I planned on adding any art created for Abducktion, however, by the time
the art was finished, I did not have enough time to add it. (1.00 hr)
Besides Abducktion, I spent the rest of my time this week
working on creating a greybox for a new micro-game called Draw at Noon. The
main gist of this game is to replicate an Old West gunfight with the focus
being on reactions. As shown in Figure 1, the storyboards show that after a ‘Draw!’
prompt, the alien needs to input a random sequence of arrows before the first
human raises the gun with one button and the second human shoots the gun with
another button.
Figure 1. Mock-up
storyboards for Draw at Noon
For the Draw at Noon functional greybox, I set up the scene
with a temporary alien and gun, added the appropriate UI and wrote scripts to
handle the general game logic, user input and the mechanics of the motions. Below
are the scripts I wrote and what their purposes are. (5.50 hrs)
- DAN_Master
- Handles UI for timer and score
- Keeps track of whether the game has started/ended
- Keeps track of who won or if the result was a draw
- Loads transition when game has completely ended
- DAN_Alien
- Sets up the signs with random arrows to be inputted
- Receives keyboard input and updates signs as they are pressed
- Calls motions script to move alien model as necessary
- Shoots bullet at human when all signs are completed
- DAN_Human
- Receives input from controllers to raise and then shoot gun
- Calls motions script to move human model as necessary
- Shoots bullet at alien when both inputs are completed
- DAN_Motions
- Tilts model to side when raising gun
- Tilts and recoils model backwards when gun is shot
- Tilts model slowly backwards when shot
- DAN_Bullet
- Moves bullet object toward the other player
- Determines who win based on which player it collides with
Currently, the flow of the game starts with the ‘DRAW!’
screen showing and the signs displaying random arrows for the aliens to input
as shown in Figure 2. When the ‘DRAW!’ screen disappears, the aliens can then
press the corresponding arrows from left to right. After two signs are lit up,
the alien raises its gun (Figure 3) and when all five of the signs are lit up, the
alien shoots a bullet at the human (Figure 4). Meanwhile, the first human
player needs to press the Left Bumper on their controller to raise the human’s
gun (Figure 3) before the second human player
can press the Right Bumper on their controller to shoot a bullet at the alien.
When a bullet is shot, it flies at the other player and causes them to fall
back after it collides. Points are added to the score if the alien is shot and
points are removed from the score if the human is shot. In addition, if neither
player finishes their task before time runs out, the game ends in a tie and no
points are awarded as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 2. Start of Draw
at Noon micro-game
Figure 3. Both
players with gun raised
Figure 4. Alien’s
bullet coming toward human (score changes when bullet collides)
Figure 5. Screen
displayed when the game ends in a tie
Content Positive:
- Made a couple of modifications to Abducktion
- Created functional greybox for Draw at Noon
- Got a playtester
- Got a playtester
Content Negative:
- Received the Abducktion art too late to add it into the
Total Hours for the week: 6.50 hrs
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