Tuesday, October 13, 2015

David Monteleone, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 1

David Monteleone, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 1

Idea creation, One pager, Elevator pitch, Mini game ideas

Content with Hours (Examples included):
This week the group had our first meeting where we discussed the general idea of the game and how we wanted to go about producing it. I was tasked with creating the one-pager document along with the elevator pitch. My role for the duration of the quarter will be to produce the needed documents for our game, GDD, one pagers, etc.., help the other programmers with production when it is needed, and coordinate between the artists and programmers.
The one pager focuses around the idea that both players are stuck in an alien carnival where the aliens send them on various mini game challenges. This week I helped collaborate with the group to make our final idea. This final idea can be found within our one-pager. A simplified version is in the elevator pitch.
 (4 hrs)

Alongside the one pager I created the concept art for the mechanized war machine mini game. This mini game is based off of Cory’s original idea. This concept is shown below.
(2 hrs)

My original game that I pitched, Slapz, will become a boss level within the Alien Arcade. Because of this, I had to go back and flesh out some of the bugs that I found from out demo build. This took some time, but I’m excited to be able to continue Slapz in some direction within our mini games.
(3 hrs)

Content Positive (Duplicate hours from above):
-          The one pager came together well and has given myself and the team a good idea of where we are heading. (3 hrs)
-          The elevator pitch has shortened our concept into an easy to figure out 1 minute speech. (1 hrs)
-          The concept art gives myself and the team a good direction of what we can make. (2 hrs)
-          Slapz was further patched to become a mini game for us in our final project. (3 hrs)

Content Negative
-          Several of the controller bugs still remain within Slapz. I attempted to fix them so we can merge my project as a mini game. However, I couldn’t figure out why the triggers stop working every now and again.

Total Hours for the week: 9 hrs

Tags: Programming, One-pager, Elevator pitch, Week 3, David Monteleone, concept art

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