Thursday, December 3, 2015

Angela Buchanan, Week 11 PPJ, Blog Post 7

Interface, Sell

I knew ahead of time that this would be a low production week for me, so my planned tasks were based around tweaking or assisting others.

Unfortunately, I ran into a significant amount of trouble after having my wallet pick-pocketed off of me. Combined with scheduled interviews and critical due dates in other classes, it was a struggle to get much of anything done.

While I wasn't as useful as I would have liked to have been, I did minor updates to the select screen parts and made it easier for my team mates to find the assets.

And because I felt guilty about my asset production, I put a lot of effort into making the sell presentation look more aesthetically pleasing and exciting. The implemented video is not playing smoothly on my computer and power point's compression damages the video too much. I believe this may be a problem on my end, for I run into the same issue with the older version of the sell. 

Positive Content

- Awesome looking sell
- I managed to get some work done opposed to none
- I had a nice Thanksgiving 

Negative Content

- Very low production week
- Critical assignments in other classes had priority
- Stolen wallet caused a lot of problems

Work and hours

Select screen tweaks (.5 hr)

-Tweaks were minor. I broke the file up a bit more and modified the folder in perforce to make it easier to find them.

Status report (.5 hr)

- Compiled everyone's updates like normal

Sell Update (5 hrs)

- Made a lot of changes to the sell to make it more exciting and aesthetically pleasing. I also did minor edits to content to make them fit more thematically with the presentation. I ran into an issue with implementing the video (It is lagging significantly), however I have the same issue with the old presentation. I believe it's a problem on my end. 

I attempted to use power points video compression, but I did horrible things to the quality. Thus I promptly reverted it back to it's original form.

Total Hours: 6 hrs

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