Wednesday, February 10, 2016

John Frankel, Week 5 PPJ, Blog Post 5, GMAP 378

Updating Transitions to be a bit more fun and also have motions in them.

This task ended up being a bit harder than I had initially anticipated it to be.  I thought it would be easy where I would simply add some motions and some art, but I had to work through some of the legacy code to get there.  I had to redo how the transition worked, so it moved from a timed state to  being controlled by the transition.  I then had to add the slot machine, and because of the motions, I had to change how some of the slots worked.  Now, instead of just instantiating objects, I also have to parent them and change their local rotation.  It took a lot of testing to make it work which ate up a lot of time, and testing was difficult because I had to wait through minigames while testing.

For the motions, I added a spining around a planet (not that much motion for the Drexel Ride) and a bob up and down (which should add motion to the drexel ride).

Here is the bobbing code.
 using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class UpAndDown : MonoBehaviour {

/// <summary>
/// This Script will make the camera bob up and down.
/// </summary>

private bool goUp = true;
public float maxUp = 10f;
private float maxDown;
public float changeSpeed = 1f;
private Rigidbody RB;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () 
maxDown = transform.localPosition.y;
maxUp += maxDown;
RB = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () 
if (goUp)
RB.velocity = (changeSpeed * transform.up);
RB.velocity = (changeSpeed * transform.up * -1);

if (transform.localPosition.y > maxUp) goUp = false;
if (transform.localPosition.y < maxDown) goUp = true;

This is how the transition works now.  It will rotate you around a small planet and charge you into a circus.  Once inside the screen is black.  If you have to choose new minigames, it will stop you half way so you can choose the next games.

(6 hours)

I got what I wanted to get done done.

It turned out to be harder than I thought and I spent a lot of time debugging.

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