Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Cory Zicolella, Week 5 PPJ, Blog Post 2

Team Logo Concepts/Creation - (1.5 hrs)
Target Model - (2 hrs)
Sale Pitch - (1.5 hrs)
Perforce Functionality (1.5 hrs)

This week I decided that I'd handle some of the more miscellaneous things, making one of what will be many target models for the Mech Game and Creating a handful of ideas for our team logo.  I also tackled the Sell Pitch based off of our GDD and created a skeleton file that no doubt will go through several revisions before project completion.

The first matter of business for me was getting the Sale Pitch out of the way, so I tried to make the GDD as straight forward and exciting as I could with the current art we have and direction for the game.  There isn't much else to be said here.

Undoubtedly the most fun this week I've had was with designing some team logos:

I believe at this point, we've decided to go with the bottom-most design to represent our team, although whether it will be colored or not, or what those colors will be are not yet decided.  Of course, all designs are not final.

The model was the source of most of my frustration and because of it, I may not be able to get to another one I was planning on doing (at the time of writing).  For whatever reason Maya continuously crashed and dumped all my progress for quite awhile. I eventually worked around it but it really hindered my progress; it took far longer than it should have.

Content Positive:
  • I really enjoyed making the logos and the ideas that came out of it gave us a good selection (1.5 hrs)
  • The Sale Pitch was created relatively smoothly, mostly due to how nicely the GDD was completed (1.5 hrs)
  • The Target model is completed so the Mech game doesn't have to have floating circles now (2 hrs)
  • We made a team Slack and that makes communication even more easy.
Content Negative:
  • Perforce confused me so much, first because I couldn't find the right one to download, and then secondly because the UI was new to me.  Alas, I know how to do basic file management now. (1.5 hrs)
  • The Target Model repeatedly crashed on me and really ate into my team, especially during midterm week.
Total Hours for the week: 6.5

Edit:  I worked on a rough version of the Mech Legs for about another hour and a half.  It was against crashing, I may have to troubleshoot Maya. This brings the new total hours to 8 this week.

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