Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Xavier Smith, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 1

Xavier Smith, Week 3 Journal PPJ, Blog post 1

Project Lead, Tech Demo, Game Design

Content With Hours
This week, I organized a group meeting where we discussed game design, game mechanics, breakdown of work, and group methodology. (1 hr)

Spoke with some members individually about their work and tasks they were assigned. (1 hr)

I complied my, Cory, and Angela's game into a single project and refined my and Cory's game and began working on a consistent UI and a menu system. (6 hrs)


                                         Stello says Screenshot                                                                                        Interdimensional Screenshot
Content With Examples 
In our group meeting, we discussed many facets of the game. Firstly, we discussed the breakdown of work and everyone was assigned their individual tasks and a regular

meeting time was arranged. We then delved into the story of the game, how we planned to connect all the mini-games, and various other nuances of the game such as boss battles and one-player vs multiplayer modes. Finally, we discussed how the group should communicate and our methods of doing work.

I spoke with some of the members regarding their tasks for the week, such as asking Cory for a simple intro screen, 

I spent most of my time making the team tech demo using assets given to me by Cory and Angela. I also looked for some placeholder UI elements. I added a few features to my game, as well as implementing shooting, adding a crosshair and targets, and refining the UI in Cory's game. Finally, I spent a lot of time trying to resolve UI issues such as improper scaling and trying to maintain some sort of consistency between games.

Mech Game Screenshot 

Positive (Hours duplicated from above)
- Meeting was productive and everyone was assigned/volunteered for work. Game story and Mechanics were fleshed out and meeting times established (1 hr)
-Everything was done by all members in a timely fashion and Cory finished website without needing any of my help
-Tech Demo came together well and can now leave mini-games, exit application, and scale with screen sizes without problem for the most part. (6 hr)

- CrossPlatformInput package in other projects gave me some trouble
- UI kept anchoring and scaling incorrectly (6 hr)
- One member did not show up to meetings and we have yet to hear anything from them 

Total Hours for the week: 8 hrs

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