Thursday, November 19, 2015

Riley Stewart, Week 9 PPJ, Blog Post 6

Foot model: 2hr
Tube Dude rig fix, Animations, and implementation: 10hr
Dashboard: 2 hr

The majority of the week was spent fixing the broken rig on the tube dude. After many hours of tweaking and trial and error, I was able to create a workable, but not perfect rig. Afterwards, I created the animations for the tube dude, which were Idle, Front, Back, Left, and Right. Afterwards came the implementation into unity, which was not much fun at all. After doing a bit of research into Unity's animation editor, I was able to layout and create all the animation states and transitions needed for the game. However, having the coding ability of a potato, was unable to create a script triggering the animations. It ended up that David would have to endure the hardship of learning that. However, the tube dude turned out to be very successful

Another task I was able to fully complete was the foot needed for space aim. This was probably the most straightforward task yet. The foot was cut off a pre-existing human model I had made, which then had the polycount reduced. Following that, I applied a texture to the model in mudbox to make it look more like, well, a foot.

Other tasks for the week, unfortunately did not turn out nearly as well. I began texturing the long overdue control panel in mud box. However, it became apparent that I would not be able to create the texture efficiently in the style needed so it was back to square one, as a new set of UV's would be required in order to efficiently Photoshop it. The uv's took a decent amount of time, requiring specific and organized placement in order to properly work. I was unable to get to Photoshopping the new texture, as it already being late, and along with having an unfortunate accident involving my finger left me highly De-moralized to say the least. As for the mech cannon, that had to be pushed back an additional week, as the tube dude was #1 priority this week which took up most of the time I had available. Hours for this week were heavily restricted, as I had a heavy final workload for my primary class this term, along with my hours working at my jobs being nearly doubled over the last 2 weeks (that paycheck though)

Content Positive
-Tubedude COMPLETED 10hr
-Progress on control panel: 2hr
-Foot COMPLETED: 2hr

Content Negative
-Work hours doubled, other finals severely reduced workable hours)
-Control panel forced to be reset
-Mech cannon pushed back a week

Total Time Spent - 14 hrs

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