Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Cory Zicolella, Week 9 PPJ, Blog Post 6

Creating Alien Arcade Teaser Trailer - 6.5 hrs
Getting soundbytes - 1 hrs
Playtest Survey Update - 1 hrs

This week I had the privilege to make the trailer for our game.  It is only the v1 of the trailer and includes footage from an earlier build of the game, so when I update it to make changes I will definitely include the art from the more current build.

The main amount of time was put towards making the trailer the best it could be.  I wanted to go to the Music Industry labs to use the proper microphones there with pop filters and what not, but the labs were taken up with classes so I couldn't do that.  This means that I also couldn't edit any audio with Pro Tools but rather had to use what I had locally at my disposal, which was Audacity and a Razer headset.  So the voiceover isn't amazing, but it will certainly do for a draft concept.

An hour of the editing was actually going on location to film the motion base and attempt to capture the CCTV there.  Even though not much of the footage was used, I'm glad I took enough of it because much of the shots of the motion base were too shaky or had something wrong with it (someone in the shot, finger on the side of the camera, etc.).

For the most part though, the meat of the time was used to stitch together various clips after I sifted through them.  Then I had to watch it numerous times and reedit it for continuity and style, then once again had to keep re-editing for adjusting sound levels.

Another part of my task this week was to retrieve various sounds we intend to use for our game.  It is still unclear whether or not we will be able to hear them in our game, as the speaker system inside the ride currently needs maintenance; but I did find a multitude of things we need.  I don't know necessarily if I found everything we'll need, but I think I got it mostly covered.

The Survey update took awhile because I was adding questions and fixing some problems we ran into, but nothing really notable here.

Content Positive
- Finished the teaser, and it came out great! (6.5 hrs)
- Got required Soundbytes (1 hrs)
- Survey Update (1 hrs)

Content Negative
-Underestimated how much time the teaser would take

Total Time Spent - 8.5 hrs

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