Thursday, December 3, 2015

Cory Zicolella, Week 11 PPJ, Blog Post 7

Creating Textures/Editing Models for Mechanized Warfare - 4.5 hrs
Trailer v2 (Footage Edit) - 1.5 hrs

This week I was tasked with getting textures on all of the models I had previously made so they look pretty in the new mech environment that I also modeled and textured.  I managed to complete this task for every model except for two; the waves and the lifeguard chair.

This first part of my work this week probably took alot longer than it needed to only because I'm not trained well at all in texturing; in fact I was initially told never to texture with UVs and only use projections (go figure, that was horrible advice).  So not only did it take me long to do relatively simple tasks, I also had to get help from online tutorials and forums when something went wrong, and in rare instances contacted Riley to assist me.  Whenever I ran into a road block it either took a time longer than it should have (I feel) to fix it because of my inexperience, or I found myself redoing textures because Maya would randomly decide to crash multiple times -- this is partially why the lifeguard chair was never finished (After 7 crashes I lost hope).

The alternative work I did for this week, which was not originally done, but touched upon because I had time, was to give the trailer a much needed footage update, to include all of the most current build's games as opposed to the Alpha I versions.  This took about as long as expected, and came out really well.  Because I did this update now, that means next week I'll only need to add footage updates if it is required from polish, and to redo my voice over in an actual studio with a better mic.

All in all, and considering it was Thanksgiving the week before, my inexperience in texturing, and the fact that I actually had become sick a few days ago; I feel as if I did a good amount of work for what I set out to do.

Content Positive
- Most of the models for Mechanized Warfare are textured! - 4.5 hrs
- The new trailer looks great and is a truer reflection of our game! - 1.5 hrs

Content Negative
- My inexperience with texturing lead to difficulties that probably wouldn't exist if I were well-versed with doing it
- Getting sick sucks
- Thanksgiving happened.  Which sorta impeded workflow.

Total Time Spent - 6 Hours

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