Week 10 didn’t have a
PPJ, thus its work is lumped into this post.
Remap Buttons, GDD,
Balance, Space Aim Motion Bug, Mech Art, Credits, PPJ
Content with Hours
(Examples included):
This week includes some work that occurred during week 10.
Since week 10 didn’t have a PPJ the work for that week was lumped into this
My first task for the week involved stripping the debugging
control scheme from our game. Beforehand, one of the players had the ability to
perform both players’ actions. This was done so that the developers could play
test on their own. These controls were stripped out to get us ready for the
final Gold build. Along with this I tried to get the Xbox 360 triggers to
function as shooting buttons. However since we are using one trigger from each
controller it has become incredibly difficult to make it reliable. According to
this article:
It seems that the bug is related to drivers,
Unity, and the operating system. As such, the group has decided to not use
triggers for the mech game. The bumpers will remain the shooting buttons. One
option, in the future, is to use a third party library that fixes this problem.
This took me lots of time doing tedious testing and reconfiguring of different
drivers and Xbox 360 inputs. I may have spent too much time on this task for
the week. My attempt to implement trigger shooting can be seen below:
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2") || Input.GetAxis("TriggerRight") == -1) {
ableToFire = false;
fireRateTimer = fireRate;
Rigidbody cloneProj = Instantiate(projectile,
InstLocRight.transform.position, InstLocRight.transform.rotation) as Rigidbody;
cloneProj.velocity =
transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(Random.Range(-Spread, Spread), Random.Range(-Spread, Spread), speed));
cloneProj.tag = "P2_Projectile";
source.PlayOneShot((Random.value <
(2 hrs)
Next, I worked with the other programming group
members to agree on the correct timings for each game. Using in person
responses from play testers we came up with the final timings to balance each
mini game. This involved a bit of play testing, but was rather quick.
(0.5 hr)
I attempted to fix the Space Aim Drexel Ride
bug. This bug is related to the movement of the motion base being rotated 90
degrees clockwise. I spent some time at the motion base and also collaborated
with Professor Lloyd. After some at home work and motion base work I decided
that this is a bug that Chenghao would know how to fix quicker than me since he
wrote the original code. Thus, I talked to him about some possible solutions
and he’ll attempt to implement and test them this coming week.
(1.5 hrs)
The last amount of work on the actual game from
myself included the addition of Riley’s mech cannon model to mechanized
warfare. I created a quick animation of it spinning and made them animate as
such in unity. The result is constantly churning chain guns as you can see
below! With this came the addition of a credits screen that can be accessed
from the main menu. Now we have a way to give credit to ourselves and a place
to put the creative commons licenses that were needed for the game’s music.
Mech Game with Guns Added
(1 hr)
Throughout the duration of week 10 and week 11
my documentation task was to progress the GDD towards the final deliverable. I
went through a removed any mention of our betting system that we originally
proposed. I reworked all the control descriptions to match what we currently have
implemented. I added the mini games that were absent from the previous GDD
drafts. I added a group specifics section so that when other group members join
us they have an easy “go to” section for getting started in the group. The
section is broken into subsections that talk about meetings, software used,
version control, task assignment, etc… Altogether the GDD is near completion
and is only lacking the updated figures and screenshots that will be taken from
the Gold Build.
(4 hrs)
Content Positive
(Duplicate hours from above):
Stripped debugging and developing controls (2 hrs)
Balanced final game timings (0.5 hr)
Added mech cannon art to Mech War and added a
credits screen (1 hr)
GDD is near final submission quality (4 hrs)
Content Negative
Triggers have a Unity bug that prevents them
from working for us
Space Aim bug would’ve been easier for the
original developer to fix instead of me (1.5
Total Hours for the
week: 9 hrs
Tags: Remap
Buttons, GDD, Balance, Space Aim Motion Bug, Mech Art, Credits, PPJ
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