Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Tj Heiney, Week 4 Journal PPJ, Blog post 4, GMAP 378

Content with Hours (Examples included):

              I realized last week that my logic for the Refueled Game was incorrect after talking with Ryan and John so I tweaked what I had. Originally, I was of the thinking that P1 (Humans) controlled the human ship with the first xbox controller and P2 (Aliens) controlled the alien ship with the second xbox controller. This was incorrect as it completely ignored the co-pilot in the ride. I had to change my logic so that P1 is the player on the first controller who controls the up and down while P2 is the player on the second controller who controls the left and right. The aliens use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the alien ship.
             I added the appropriate UI elements to Refueled as well. This include the interior ship dashboard, instruction pop-up and the timer + fuel level screen outputs. I tweaked the movement and controls slightly. I finally got the timer working correctly but it required me to refactor significant amounts of my code. The game ends when time runs out or when the aliens fuel reaches zero. I tried to add more art elements but I didn't get them on time.


(6 hours) 

Shooting Gallery:
             I need to start implementing a grey box for the Shooting Gallery. I got a lot of work done on it. I replicated a lot of the logic from Refueled for moving the target around. Shooting was hard to get working correctly. Part of the issue with shooting was the movement with the reticle (I found out later that half of the issue was my controlled). I implemented the scripts for the game so that the game ends when the alien is hit or when the time runs out. I put some basic art as well. The game works by P1 and P2 working together to move the reticle and shoot. The aliens move left and right to dodge the bullets. 

(4 hours)

Positive Content: 
-I got two micro games up.
-I feel more comfortable with Unity. 

Negative Content:
-Had a bad movement bug that was because my controllers stopping sending input to my computer. The controller I was using is broken and it wasn't the codes fault. I wish I had found that out earlier in the evening...

Total Hours for the week: 10

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